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Category: Relationships

  • Loving with ADHD: Three Powerful Ways to Inspire More Intimacy, Love and Joy
    When you live with ADHD in your relationship, you may feel ignored, frustrated, misunderstood, and lonely. When you understand the role ADHD is playing in your relationship, there are steps you can take to have better communication and understanding so you can recreate your intimacy together. Here are three powerful ways to inspire more intimacy, connection, and joy in your love relationship with ADHD.
  • How to Stop Enabling: Three Promising Ways to Support ADHD

    When it comes to living with ADHD, it’s tough to know when you're enabling vs. supporting.  You strive to assist your child towards independence, but you can get frustrated when it comes to your child taking ownership. You try to help your partner stay organized, but can get depleted by a parenting role in your relationship. Here are three ways to support your loved ones so they can become more accountable, and you can have a healthier, more connected relationship.

  • Master Feeling Intense Emotions in Three Reliable Ways with ADHD

    Many adults and kids with ADHD feel their emotions more intensely than others and struggle with staying calm and being flexible. It’s common to react impulsively, feel overwhelmed and frustrated, give up quickly, and withdraw or avoid situations.
    Here are three reliable ways to master feeling intense emotions when you live with ADHD. 

  • Set Limits Clearly: How to Protect Your Time to Safeguard Your Needs with ADHD

    Many of us struggle with too much to do and too little time. When you live with ADHD, the concern for the loss of approval and the fear of not doing your best for others’ sake, makes speaking up to safeguard your time extremely difficult. Here are three ways to clearly set limits so you can protect yourself, your rights, and your well-being.

  • Sleep and ADHD: How to Overcome Exhaustion and Actually Revive Your ADHD Brain

    It’s tough for the ADHD brain to ditch all the fun it’s having and succumb to sleep.  Yet, losing sleep can result in comorbid sleep disorders, mood disorders, dementia, memory and learning problems, heart disease, depression, anxiety, weight gain, injuries, and depressed immune function to name a few.  Here are three strategies to overcome exhaustion so you can awaken refreshed and revived and keep your ADHD brain strong.  

  • Make Confident Decisions: How to be Bold and Really Commit with ADHD

    When living with ADHD there’s a tendency to get caught up in decision-making dilemmas. It’s not uncommon to get overwhelmed by mountains of information and details and get lost in the pros and cons. Here are four strategies for making decisions so you can make confident choices and commit to your decisions.   

  • Empower Your Young Adult with ADHD in Three Inspiring Ways

    Discussions of young adults with ADHD who live with their parents often focus on whether these young adults will ever leave, but it's useful to address what young adults can gain from life at home as parents balance support and independence.  Here are four inspiring ways to empower your young adult with ADHD so they can take more ownership, develop resilience, and ultimately become independent.

  • Fear of Failure: Strengthen Confidence in Three Powerful Ways Living with ADHD

    When live you with ADHD, it’s not uncommon to feel as if you can’t do anything right. If you experience Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD), to give something your best shot and fail is a threat that’s so distressing that it feels unsafe. Here are three ways to confront the fear of failure so you can strengthen your confidence and achieve what’s most important to you.   

  • How to Empower Your Unique Child and Find More Peace Parenting ADHD

    As parents, we tend to find fault with ourselves for our kids’ challenges. We dedicate ourselves to our children, yet doubting ourselves as parents, we may overcompensate.  We want our kids to have agency, but when we take on their challenges we can disempower them. Here are three ways to empower your unique child, and find more peace parenting ADHD.

  • Emotional Flare-Ups with ADHD Getting the Best of You? Four Ways to Pull Through

    Individuals with ADHD can act without thinking with regular temper flare-ups and impulsive outbursts. This is difficult to tolerate and can lead to embarrassment and shame for the person with ADHD. Here are four ways to pull through so emotional flare-ups don't get the best of you. 

  • Build Strong Connection with Loved Ones in Three Genuine Ways Living with ADHD

    Living with ADHD can be intense, and life with those we love can sometimes feel strained. When we take a moment to connect, this adds warmth and closeness to the relationships that are most precious to us. Here are three genuine ways to build a strong connection with those you love when you live with ADHD. 

  • Unlock Meaningful Change in Three Proven Ways Living with ADHD

    When living with ADHD and related challenges, there can be a history of failures and missed opportunities, making it difficult to move forward with meaningful change. Here are three proven ways to help yourself and your loved ones unlock resistance to change and stay on track.   

  • Racism: How to Talk About it with Your ADHD'er

    How parents choose to discuss the Black Lives Matter movement, anti-racism and systemic racism is influenced by each family's experience. Our kids will benefit from the opportunity to talk about what’s happening which can reassure them and help promote change. 

  • ADHD in Relationships: How to Overcome Frustration Now!

    Living with ADHD can contribute to misunderstandings, frustration, and resentment in relationships. It's important to understand that the symptoms of ADHD aren’t what’s causing challenges, but rather how each person responds to the symptoms. The first step to transforming your relationships, whether it be with a partner, child, or colleague, is to understand how ADHD is showing up. 

  • ADHD Stressing You Out? How to Gain Control Now!

    Stress has a way of finding a constant place in our lives. Tack on living with challenges such as hyperactivity, trouble focusing, and poor organizational skills, stress comes with the territory. Living with ADHD can lead to feelings of overwhelm, hopelessness and loss of control as well as co-existing mental health conditions. However, no matter how stressful things get, you can regain control.

  • Why ADHD and Mindfulness are a Promising Twosome
    When it comes to ADHD, mindfulness develops awareness and attention. Mindfulness meditation is learning to step back and observe one's thoughts and feelings, without judgment. What results is a resilient, positive self-image. Learn more about the mindfulness-ADHD connection and how to get started with mindfulness meditation when you live with ADHD.
  • Let Go of Judgment - Parenting a Child with ADHD

    There we were, in the front foyer of the restaurant, my ADHD son screaming, barely catching his breath in frustration. Do I cave and let him have his way or do I hold my ground? Mortified and exasperated, I felt I had failed my child and failed as a parent. 

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