Are You Ready for Coaching? Take this Test!

Are you considering working with an ADHD Coach? You know what your challenges are but maybe you're not sure if you're ready.

When working with an ADHD coach, you need to be at a place in your life when you're ready to benefit from the coaching partnership.

Take this test to see where you land and try some of the suggestions below depending on where you score:

I'm ready to speak straight and be truthful with my coach about what I need and want from our coaching relationship. If I'm not getting what I expect or want, I will be upfront with my coach and share my concerns, so we can work out a plan of action that will be the best fit for me.

I have every intention to do the work and act on what I say I will do. This includes following up on the actions I set up for myself in our sessions, being on time for our appointments, and showing up for our sessions. When I don't follow through in the way that I had hoped, I am willing to experiment with ways to get back on track.

I understand there are no magic bullets. It will take time for me to shift to new ways of doing things and live differently with ADHD. I'm willing to accept the feedback and guidance from my coach and others, but also not look to them for my own answers and decisions, which will come from self-discovery in the coaching experience and from tapping into my own wisdom.

This is the right time for me to be in an ADHD coaching partnership. I have worked through or am currently healing from my psychological challenges and am ready to work with an ADHD coach for further exploration and transformation. I am ready to take the sustainable actions I will need to work with my executive functioning skills to create the life I want.


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Thanks for checking the calendar first to find an appointment time that works for both of us. If you don’t see anything that works for you please join my wait list by indicating any time that’s convenient for you and I will get right back with you as soon as a time opens up. Thank you so much! ~ Cheryl

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